innhold-nordisk språk 

Link to the English Rampa-extracts  | Rampa-mp3 audiobooks/lydbøker

Historien om eremitten - kontakt til utenomjordiske for 100år siden

kort utg. av innholdet  i EREMITTEN

"ditt evige selv"  |her nedlastbar i word|  |her i zip |

DEL1 av boken den gamles visdom

DEL 2 av samme  bok

om hvordan RAMPA "kom" hit til vesten (om prisippet "WALK-IN")

om krystallenes kraft og bruk av krystallkuler til kosmisk klarsyn og visjoner - beskrevet bl.a. av Lobsang Rampa

AURAEN  VISER SYKDOMMER - om det menneskelige energifelt - AURAEN -  beskrevet bl.a. av Lobsang Rampa 

 ASTRALREISER -  beskrevet bl.a. av Lobsang Rampa

Tibetansk visdom

mer om  ASTRALREISER -  beskrevet  av Lobsang Rampa

teknikken bak astralreiser

JORDENS HISTORIE - nedtegnelser i huler i Tibet -  beskrevet bl.a. av Lobsang Rampa



Gamle mysterier i Tibets høyfjell

"beyond the tenth"

cave of the ancients

"I believe"

"three lives"

"you -  forever"

the thirteenth candle








mer fra tibet her


ENGLISH / SCANDINAVIAN language        link til innholdet i de forskjellige bøker på nordisk språk

Denne serverbase har samlet utdrag fra den omfattende livsvisdom fra den innvidde tibetaner LOBSANG RAMPA--som forfattet et stort antall bøker om kosmiske eller esoteriske temaer. Disse bøker kom ut på mange forskjellige språk over hele verden - og i utallige opplag - i perioden fra ca. 1956 til ca. 1975. Endel av disse ble også oversatt til "skandinaviske språk" - norsk, dansk og svensk. Stoffet fra disse er samlet her  øverst -- mens de engelske bokutdrag ligger under denne skandinaviske avdeling. Temaene i hans bøker--som den åndelig beleste vil gjenkjenne som sannhet--slik han selv hevder--går på alt fra "ut-av-kroppen-opplevelser" til kontakt til kosmiske sivilisasjoner. se ellers under:

bildet under:

Rampa forteller i flere av bøkene om kontakter til utenomjordiske sivilisasjoner - der de tilsynelatende i lang tid har hatt baser  i fjerne områder i Tibets høyfjell. Bildet her under illustrerer dette.

for mer Rampa-visdom - scroll ned på den engelsk-språklige delen under.

min ide om hans besøk INNVIELSESGROTTEN - i de normalt utilgjenglige kammere dypt under POTALA i Tibet. (From the initiationchambers - deep under Potala)

"chapters of life"













Bildet over av Rampa i senere år - og bildet av den tibetanske gutten symboliserer hans barndom/ungdom i en annen kropp - som den "virkelige" Lobsang Rampa i Tibet. Rampa var den første som beskrev fenomenet walk in - altså at en høyere utviklet bevissthet etter avtale overtar en annens fysiske kropp. Dette 30-40år før begrepet igjen ble beskrevet i kanaliserte bøker .Bildet over viser Rampa i de senere år av sitt liv i vesten - mens bildet t.v. er av personen som han overtok kroppen i fra - etter at denne personen i lang tid hadde ønsket å ta sitt liv. Mer om dette i flere av hans bøker. 

bildet under: Rampa kom som ung munk til hulen hos en gammel blind eremitt som grunnet sin ekstremt utviklede hukommelse var blitt utvalgt av en gruppe "utenomjordiske overvåkere" til å viderebringe spesielle kosmiske informasjoner. Dette skjedde for ca. 100år siden. Denne eremitt levde på det som handels- karavanene gav ham i bytte mot hans velsignelser. Disse "kosmiske gartnere" som de kalte seg - fortalte ham at han langt senere (ca.1910?) ville bli oppsøkt av en ung munk, som skulle bringe denne spesielle informasjonen ut til verden - og det var Lobsang Rampa.








Opplesning/lyd fra Rampaboken "DET TREDJE ØYE" - om Rampas innvielser og  opplevelser av fortidens historie gjennom spesielle astralreiser.   (mp3) 

mer i lyd/mp3:

Opplesning fra Rampaboken LEGEN FRA LHASA: om Rampa's innvielser(i Tibets skjulte, underjordiske huler under Lhasa) og innføring i jordens eldgamle historie   

bilder fra "gamledager" i LHASA OG TIBET FÅR DU OPP VED Å TRYKKE HER - DISSE FRA CA.1947 ------------------------

kosmiske grunnprinsipper i bildeform

Fra boken EN YOGIS SELVBIOGRAFI Av Paramahansa Yogananda - fra 1946

lyd/mp3:Om "Sri Yoktasvar's rematerialisering etter "døden" der han forteller om 
sitt nye virke på "andre siden" til sin disippel Yogananda.

.mp3 - sterk nær-døden-opplevelse opplest fra Mellen-Thomas- 
Benedict's opplevelse fra 1982.

talk-interview show of Dolores Cannon on this theme on colonisation from space in mp3-downloadable

Peter Richelieu; A Souls Journey - on Afterlife and astral-trips at night we do not remember

English language:

T.Lobsang Rampa

  extracts from his easily read, deep wisdom books:

Karen Mutton tells some of his books in sound-mp3


link to content in the different RAMPA-books     |      Rampa-mp3 audiobooks
extract from the books here:



From THE 3.EYE 2  |  3  | 4 | 5

cave of the ancients



doctor from Lhasa

"beyond the tenth"

"home of the gods"

"as it was"

"I believe"

"three lives"

"you -  forever"

the thirteenth candle

the death process

"chapters of life"


feeding the flame


The Saffron Robe

Tibetan Sage



his last initiation

life after death

T.LOBSANG RAMPA - NEWAGE TRAILBLAZER - book as summary on Rampa

ufo-contatct material (not from Rampa)

book on inside-earth travel 150y ago/ or into a dimension door??

This serverbase has collected extensive extracts from the spiritual wisdom from the INITIATED Tibetan LOBSANG RAMPA-- who wrote many books on the ancient wisdom - nearly half a century ago. This, after he had entered the spiritual and seen the ignorant western world in a manner that was not understood by the average reader, when the books were published. He was the first who in a logical way, described the WALK-IN process - where higher developed beings have the ability to take over a body of a person who voluntary wants to leave this world.

The material from this INITIATED, covers all the themes from today’s newage-literature - but his books are not transferred by the more doubtful means of channeling - but through self-experience AND happened nearly half a century ago!!


  • the death-process and the life on the other side

  • the different dimensions

  • the Earths far past

  • how life came to Earth

  • colonization from space

  • contact to spacepeople

  • the human aura

  •  telepathic and clairvoyance

  • astral traveling

  • akashic-reading

  • the dark forces

  • medical themes (he was also a doctor in Lhasa/Tibet)

  • Atlantis and similar themes

  • body-take-over/walk in (transmigration)

  • etc. etc

Pictured above: the body Lobsang took over - but here on a time when the original "body captain" was inhabiting the vehicle - he wanted to leave / die -  so the lamas made it possible for him to come over to the astral world and Lobsang to take over his physical body. The life of the former occupant is described in great details in the book  AS IT WAS (chapter8)


Rampa  also tells about the origin of the UFO's - and contact to highly developed entities from other worlds and - levels of excistence. Also about bases in the far parts of Tibet - where they for centuries have been overseeing our world - this picture illustrates this theme 

Rampa on UFOs


in mp3- on "power of prayer"- Rampa talks

 soundfile mp3 - Rampa talks on his life in ca 10min |   same on youtube















picture above: a more recent picture of Rampa in his "english barrowed" body - the TIBETAN boy symbolizes Lobsangs childhood in Tibet - but the picture is not actually Lobsang, from his own childhood.

He - Lobsang Rampa - had a long time ago - in many earlier incarnations - been prepared for this task. The preparations continued in the young life of Lobsang in Tibet, which many of his books describe in detail. Lobsang's task was to bring some of the wisdom, known by the few initiated in Tibet, to the west of the world. Rampa experienced a very difficult trip to USA and England - but was forced out of England - and therefore, the initiated lamas of Tibet summarily prepared for another possibility. That was arranging a body-exhange or “transmigration”. A man in England wanted to come out of his difficult life - and so the lamas made it possible for him to come over to the astral world allowing Lobsang to take over the former inhabitant’s physical body. That part of the story is described in many of his books - and especially THE RAMPA STORY and in AS IT WAS

(The Rampa Story in Word for download)

picture below: Rampa came as a young monk to the cave of an old blind, hermit who had been chosen of "the watchers" to  bring further some very special cosmic information. They had selected him because they had scanned his mind - and found he had an extreme developed memory. This happened nearly a century ago - and later he was visited by the young Lobsang - whose task it was to bring the information out to the world - as it was done in the book THE HERMIT - (also in danish here) - may be the most interesting of them all?








cosmic principles for spiritual evolution in pictureform 

 history of Tibet - but here no esoteric viewes 

from a ufocontact in-87 with some information very similar to Rampa's

from "convoluted universe"-book out of hypnosis - traces of inner Earth civ. 

talk-interview show by George Noory  of Dolores Cannon on this theme on colonisation from space in mp3-downloadable by rightclicking

Books Full downloads in Word,etc: The Third Eye  Doctor from Lhasa The Rampa Story | pdf


From THE 3.EYE 2  |  3  | 4 | 5

cave of the ancient


doctor from Lhasa


"beyond the tenth"

"home of the gods"

"as it was"

"I believe"

"three lives"

"you -  forever"

the thirteenth candle

the death process

"chapters of life"


feeding the flame


The Saffron Robe


his last initiation

life after death

Tibetan Sage

cosmic principles for spiritual evolution in pictureform 

T.LOBSANG RAMPA - NEWAGE TRAILBLAZER - book as summary on Rampa

other Lobsang Rampa-sites: | or here | italian Rampa-site -where you also can read the books in pdf-format | Audiobooks as single CDs in MP3 format

Some of Rampas books can still be purchased from web shops - but the prices vary - so look at many, then compare.

Search for Lobsang Rampa on google  and you will find links to many different bookshops where some of Rampa's books can still be gotten

Evaluating the passed life from the "other side" (doc.confirms Rampa was correct)

 Link to more my cosmic - contacts - ufosite (english)

Link to more my cosmic / wisdom / ufosite (norwegian)

artpicture of the "walk-in coupling" where the astral helpers disconnected the original body-captain - here left - and connected the initiaded Tibetan; Rampa, (the radiate beeing) after the earlier agreement about this was made. More details in  THE RAMPA STORY  | full inWord | pdf |   and in AS IT WAS | pdf |

updated. 2013


my mail is: rufo99z at c2i dot net - no space in marks

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